I have befriended a wild red fox while jogging among the fauna and flora. Sometimes, she simply observes my presence at a remove. At other times, she jogs with me, twenty yards away. She took notice of my exercise schedule and I have discovered her, on more than one occasion, waiting for me when I arrived on the running path. Once, I even managed to crawl right up to her, and she nibbled my hand for two or three seconds. In the fullness of time, I have met her bloke-fox, and her cubs, and I’ve seen her with a dead squirrel in her mouth! She’s a fantastic creature, full of mischief and intelligence. This might be enough, our friendship, but these experiences have been published in book form:

The Fox Who Loves Me. Poetry and Photography. Published by Primary Writing Books. 32 pages. Design by Bob Allen. Author illustration by Emily Cohen. Many thanks to Phyllis Rosenzweig for publishing this beautiful chapbook. For ordering information, please write to Phyllis [email: phyllisrosenzweig at comcast dot net]. Also see this 2022 piece of mine in the Best American Poetry Blog, which features some fox content.